Trying to Make the Driving World a Little Less Annoying

Tag: Golf R

Hear Here

Many people love to complain. I like to complain, too, but I also hate it when I do. So I have to apologize for that last post. That was a lot of whining. Complaining creates too much negativity for me.

Buyer’s Remorse

I just bought a brand new car and I have regrets. This is the third Golf R I’ve bought in the last 5 years, and each time I’ve had buyer’s remorse for different reasons, proving once again that I’m an idiot. Why would I complain about getting a nice car? Three times?!

Hug Your Kids

I recently survived a horrific car crash. I feel fortunate to have escaped with only bumps and bruises, but my 2019 Golf R was totaled.

Specialty Car

As I had previously threatened, I bought a new car, but I’m not excited about it. I traded in my Subaru WRX STI for a VW Golf R, and the loss of my old car overwhelms any excitement of a new car, probably because I’m a hoarder I can’t let go.

2019 Detroit Auto Show

I attended the 2019 Detroit auto show (NAIAS) last January, but unlike other years, it was for work. I spent most of my time in the basement pretending to be interested in autonomous vehicle stuff. It’s a section called AutoMobili-D, and you may have seen it if you got lost looking for the bathrooms.1

2016 VW Golf R

5-Year, 2-Month, 20-Day Itch

Man has grappled with certain basic questions since the dawn of time: Who am I? Why am I here? What’s my purpose in life? What car should I get?

I don’t know much about the other questions, but I think about the last one a lot. I call it ADIDAWCTB (All Day I Dream About What Car to Buy). That’s not as catchy as ADIDAS, but it’s pretty accurate.

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