Many people love to complain. I like to complain, too, but I also hate it when I do. So I have to apologize for that last post. That was a lot of whining. Complaining creates too much negativity for me.

Man alone is born crying, lives complaining, and dies disappointed.
—Samuel Johnson

Let me just say this—this Golf R is a very good car. It’s easily the best car I’ve ever owned. This is a case where its compromises work best for me. It’s not perfect, but what car is?

Heard Mentality

With that said, I would like to know how a car owner’s voice can be heard by the manufacturer. I sometimes read things like “Volkswagen has heard you” about this feature or that.

I’m assuming that “you” here means journalists/YouTube reviewers who complain about things in their reviews, because no one has ever asked “me.” I’m glad they are advocating for us owners, but then again, they don’t always align with my views.

What about dealerships? Can they help? I’ve talked to salespeople, and they seem sympathetic to some of my complaints. But are they just patronizing a potential customer? Or do they actually bring our issues up to manufacturers? This doesn’t seem like a systematic way to gather feedback.

I’m guessing manufacturers will also do focus groups. Again, like journalists, this seems limited. Would my interests be represented? How big are these groups? And just who are these people? If they are normal, everyday people, then I’m in trouble.

Hear Me Out

If I could spend a car manufacturer’s money on this issue, this is what I would do.

  1. Survey new car owners after 3-12 months.
  2. Create an owner feedback website.

A survey doesn’t seem outrageous. I’m guessing that it’s been done in the past, but I’ve never seen one, nor do I know of anybody ever getting one.

As far as a feedback site, many tech companies do this for their products. If car manufacturers want to emulate tech companies, this could be something they could try.

Can You Hear Me Now?

Maybe none of this matters. We live in a world where 8 billion people have 8 billion different opinions on anything. I’m sure some things I like will be annoying to other people.

Even if that’s the case, it would still be nice to know that car manufacturers hear our voices. And I would really just like to have the physical buttons back.

Crankiness Rating:

So won’t you listen to what the man said?
